And at the Palacio Nariño, the Minister of Social Protection, Diego Palacio, stated that “the government continues to respect social protest and mobilization, as long as it is for civil causes,” adding that the sugar cane workers now on strike for more than one month, as well as the indigenous mobilizations in Cauca which are unfolding as we write this, contain the presence of “destabilizing forces.”
With these thoughts in mind, I share with you some images from the Pichichí Plantation in the municipality of Guacarí, where the cane workers have been carrying out their work stoppage for several weeks, braving horrible weather conditions, very little food, and the indifference of an intolerant administration who will stop at nothing to change the subject and distract public opinion.
These are the faces of terror!
(Stay tuned for a more detailed look at the unfolding PROPAGANDA WAR being waged by the Uribe government against all manifestations of social protest.)
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